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Cable glider, up to 150 kg work load
REUTLINGER Supporti per funi metalliche tipo 66 SVIII integrale ad anello

3,40 cm

Cable glider, up to 150 kg work load

REUTLINGER Supporti per funi metalliche tipo 66 SVIII integrale ad anello

La giacenza è di circa 12 sett.
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No. 58010560
Certified cable holder
Cable holders can be used for easily suspending static workloads on attachment ropes. No tools are required. The load can be hung at any position and height and easily be re-positioned.

The REUTLINGER cable holders are the only system certified by two independant certification bodies. This cable holder boasts of a TUV certificate and a German BGV C1 certificate and can be used in entertainment technology.

TÜV GS and BGV C1 - double-tested and double-certified
REUTLINGER® grippers type 50 SV III, type 66 SV III and type 80 SV III are not only certified as safe (GS) by the German TÜV, they have also been licensed for use within the scope of standard DGUV Regulation 17 (BGV C1).
The DGUV Test certificate authorises these grippers for use within the scope of the accident prevention regulations issued by the German employers' liability insurance associations in respect of staging and production facilities.
The test seal of the DGUV is conferred only after extensive examining of all load applications. Further testing simulated most anticipated mis-applications.
REUTLINGER® gripper ranges 50, 66 and 80 are the only load-bearing devices certified by the DGUV for use in mobile production facilities.

Cable glider, up to 150 kg work load

  • Per il diametro della fune da 6 a 6,35 mm
  • Meccanismo a 6 sfere
  • Con ghiera DIN 582 M12 nera zincata C15E
  • Nota: i supporti per funi metalliche non devono essere utilizzati in modo dinamico e devono essere utilizzati almeno in coppia.
  • Filettatura M16
  • Made in Germany
  • Certificato BG
  • Certificato TÜV/GS
  • Per maggiori informazioni su questo prodotto, consultare "Download" nella scheda tecnica
Dati tecnici
Per il diametro della fune:6 mm - 6.35 mm
Carico di lavoro:6,35 mm: 150 kg
6 mm: 135 kg
Diametro anello:Esterno: 63 mm
Interno: 35 mm
Filettatura:Filettatura M16 x 16 mm
Misure:Lunghezza: 11 cm
Diametro: Ø 3,40 cm
Peso:0,80 kg
Unità di imballaggio
QPC EANPeso Dimensioni
140263975960520,82 kg11cm x 3,4cm x 3,4cm
Pezzi di ricambio
Nessun pezzo di ricambio disponibile.
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Informazioni sul produttore
Reutlinger GmbH
Züricher Str. 3
D-60437 Frankfurt / Main

+49 69 965228-0
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