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719 €
iFIX Movement

Small by size but big by sound!

The smallest speaker of our catalog is also one of the most successful. Our distributors already know how to use it. But you? When an ultra compact solution for sound reinforcement is needed the iFIX range is the perfect product. It integrates seamlessly in any installation were discretion is key, without sacrificing performance.
The iFIX8 reproduces music and speech with superb quality thanks to its 8” coaxial transducer that delivers the whole spectrum homogeneously to the audience. The included frame and gimbal can be used with a bracket or for direct installation into a wall.
To extend to lower frequencies, iFIX13S, of the same range, is the natural companion. It's a small packed but powerful sub woofer, using a custom made 13.5" chassis with the same power and impact as a 15" woofer. Both together, iFIX8 and iFIX13S are the perfect fit for nearly all demanding installations, from conference centers to jazz and music bars.
The whole range is available as standard in white, black and wood finish. Also all RAL colors are available on demand to ensure the best possible integration to the decoration.
Deutsche Bank Training and Informative center
Fixed installation in High End Event place "Terblock Castle", were compact and color were key for a perfect integration
Greek Danceclubs were IFIX systems are used to provide music coverage around the dancefloor areas.

Serie iFix (Prodotti : 21)

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