Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH - Votre grossiste en technologie événementielle. Vente aux clients professionnels uniquement. Tous les prix s'entendent hors TVA


Buisson d'étoile de Noël aux feuilles et fleurs élaborées
EUROPALMS Bouquet d'étoiles de Noël, crème, 60 cm

60 cm

Buisson d'étoile de Noël aux feuilles et fleurs élaborées

EUROPALMS Bouquet d'étoiles de Noël, crème, 60 cm

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Prix de catalogue hors TVA 19%
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No. 83500433
As Christmas star, Advent star, Poinsettia or under its botanical name Euphoria pulcherrima - the poinsettia is known by many names. No matter under which name, one thing is certain: it is omnipresent in the pre-Christmas season. Whether as a small version for table and counter decoration in bistros and restaurants or as a large showpiece on boiling boards and windowsills.
The original plant grows as a shrub and is originally native to Central America and Mexico. This explains why this attractive winter bloomer is very demanding in terms of location and care. The artificial poinsettia bush from Europalms is an optimal, low-maintenance alternative here.
Typical features, such as rosette-shaped, colored bracts with small, green nodules in the center of the poinsettia, have been implemented true to nature. Three stands of cream-colored bracts overtop the rich leafy green on this artificial plant. Both leaf green and bracts are made of textile fibers.

A practical plastic insertion rod allows for quick decorating.

Buisson d'étoile de Noël aux feuilles et fleurs élaborées

  • Tombe en forme de manière indépendante
  • À feuilles réalistes env. 19 vertcoloré
  • Fleurs élégantes env. 5 crèmecoloré
Données techniques
Construction:Tombe en forme de manière indépendante
Feuillage:Env. 19 feuilles
Matériau: Textile
Fleurs:Nombre : env. 5 Pièce
Couleur : crème
Matériau : Textile
Style de déco:Forêt et pré
Dimension:Hauteur : 60 cm
Poids:0,17 kg
Unités de conditionnement
140263974868100,17 kg65cm x 34cm x 13cm
440263974868271,16 kg108cm x 25cm x 16cm
2440263974868348,60 kg110cm x 52,5cm x 50cm
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Informations du fabricant
Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH
Andreas-Bauer-Str. 5
D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn

+49 931 4061 600
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