Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH - Votre grossiste en technologie événementielle. Vente aux clients professionnels uniquement. Tous les prix s'entendent hors TVA

Plein air
  • Convient à une utilisation en extérieur (5)
Couleur du boîtier
EUROLITE LED PAR-64 COB 3000 K 100 W Zoom noir

Des accessoires pour les projecteurs de scène et les éclairages de théâtre conventionnels

Les éclairages de scène évoluent constamment. Il y a quelques années, les scènes du monde entier étaient encore illuminées par des projecteurs conventionnels. Désormais, elles sont généralement remplacées par des appareils à LED. Cependant, les techniques d’éclairage traditionnelles ne sont pas passées de mode. Dans les théâtres, on continue d’utiliser des ampoules halogènes pour créer certaines ambiances lumineuses. Par ailleurs, les éclairages sans LED restent en usage dans certains stands et boutiques.

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EUROLITE Coupe-flux PAR-38 Spot noir

Contrairement aux spots et aux tubes LED, qui procurent la couleur souhaitée grâce au mélange de couleurs intégré, les « vieux » projecteurs n’ont qu’une seule couleur, en général le blanc. Mais il est possible d’utiliser des films de couleur ainsi que des filtres afin de créer diverses atmosphères. Les volets obturateurs inclinent la lumière du projecteur et permettent de créer des ombres déterminées.

LEE HT-Folie 122 lee green 117 x 400 cm

Dans cette catégorie, vous trouverez des accessoires pour projecteurs conventionnels, projecteurs PAR et tubes fluorescents.

Films de couleur
Films de couleur
Filtre coloré pour tubes
Filtre coloré pour tubes
Filtres dichroïques et en verre
Filtres dichroïques et en verre
Volets obturateurs
Volets obturateurs
Résistance aux intempéries
Résistance aux intempéries

Accessoires pour projecteur (Produits: 164)

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Accessories for headlights: top tools for precise lighting

Spotlights are the basis of every professional lighting installation, on theater, and show stages as well as at professionally staged events and trade fairs. However, it is often only the right accessories that allow the light to be used optimally and perfectly matched to the event. In our online store, you will find a selection of essential accessories that extend the functionality of your spotlights and make your event even more impressive. Below, we present some of our top products:

Color foils

Our color foils make it possible to flexibly change the light color of a single-color white spotlight (e.g. PAR can). They are made of heat-resistant plastic and can be easily applied in front of the light emission to achieve impressive color effects. EUROLITE color foils are available in a wide range of colors and are often used in theaters, film productions, and stage lighting.

Color filters for tubes

The color filters for tubes by EUROLITE have been specially developed for fluorescent tubes. They adapt perfectly to the shape of the tubes and transform the emitted light into the desired color. Thanks to various length options, they are suitable for different applications, for example, in exhibition rooms, for art installations, or on trade fair stands. These accessories ensure uniform illumination and can be used in a variety of ways.

Dichroic and glass filters

Dichroic and glass filters reflect or transmit certain wavelengths of light, resulting in clear and intense colors. Unlike color films, they do not fade and are extremely heat-resistant, which makes them particularly durable. Glass filters are also particularly robust and offer a reliable solution for demanding conditions. The filters can be easily inserted into frames and used flexibly at your next event.

Filter frames

Our filter frames enable the secure and precise attachment of color foils and other filters in front of spotlights. They facilitate the quick replacement of filters and ensure that they remain correctly and securely in place. Filter frames are available in various sizes to suit different spotlight models and make handling much easier in different lighting situations.


Barndoors are an indispensable tool for controlling and shading the light cone of a spotlight. The adjustable barndoors can be used to precisely limit and direct the light emission, which is particularly useful for avoiding spill light or only illuminating certain areas. Whether for film and theater productions or at an outdoor event – barndoors enable pinpoint illumination.

Weather protection

Weather protection such as rain covers is essential for floodlights that are used outdoors. This protects the devices from rain, wind, dust and other environmental influences. This ensures that the floodlights work reliably even in adverse weather conditions and extends their service life.

Do you have any questions about other accessories? Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about spotlights, moving lights, and audio equipment.

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